April 03, 2007

Бог Похвалы! (Praise God!)

Olya at the Wishing
Chair in Berdyansk, October

We received our appointment date (April 19th) and we are very excited to be in the final stages of welcoming Elizabeth home. Elizabeth's bedroom is nearly redone and our travel plans are complete. Just a few more days and we will be on our way. Бог Похвалы!

We began this very unexpected journey in Dec. 2005 when Olya (Olga's nickname -- she has asked to have her name changed to Elizabeth) was a guest at our house. We entered the hosting arrangement with no thoughts of another adoption, but God had a different plan for us.

After much prayer and family discussion, we decided to begin the process of adopting Olya. We were very, very fortunate to be joined in this pursuit by 6 other families answering God's call to adopt. We came together through informal gatherings and quickly grew into a community. A community of fellowship, prayer, encouragement and friendship.

Without them this journey would have been exceedingly difficult and painful and we thank each one of them for their support and prayers. What a blessing this journey has already been for us. Бог Похвалы! Thank you!!


Robb said...

Congratulations on your travel date. We can't wait till you bring Olya home! What a special journey this will be. Good luck...

Jill and Robb

Passanita Family said...

Hope you have a great trip. We'll be following your trip and hopefully see you in Kyiv in May.
God Bless,
Laura and Rob

Anonymous said...

We are rejoicing with you guys! We look forward to reading about the next steps in your journey.

What a great picture of Elizabeth, too, in the wishing chair.

Peace & grace,
Paulette & family